Wednesday, September 23, 2015

I was tracing out Simplicity 1392 so I could grade up and do my FBA. Found a pretty good error! Fortunately I figured it out. It took a few minutes of head-scratching.  
I was tracing out Simplicity 1392 so I could grade up and do my FBA. Found a pretty good error!
Fortunately I figured it out. It took a few minutes of head-scratching.  
I had traced the pieces and graded up like I usually do and noticed that the facing curve wasn't matching the back neck curve. 
On the pattern paper itself, they marked the two pattern pieces #18 as back facing. They have another two pieces (#16) also marked as back facing. 
They misprinted multiple pieces on this but fortunately I was able to figure out #18 is not the back facing but the front facing.

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