Wednesday, September 23, 2015

My Singer Quantum 9960

My Singer Quantum 9960 quit working. Sixteen months old. It would turn on but the needle would stick, it would jam, it would make awful death throe noises. 
I checked the timing three times...not it. I made sure it was clean and oiled: yup. New needle and properly threaded upper thread and bobbin? Check. Bobbin case good? Well...maybe not so much; it seemed very loose to me but I still didn't know if that was the issue. A sewing buddy in Virginia suggested feed dogs. My husband suggested the motor.
Singer and Brother are two that I know of that have gone almost completely plastic. Even the bobbin case is plastic! I checked with Singer. Would the warranty cover it? Nope! I'm on the dole for repairs. It would cost more to repair than I paid for the machine! 
Because I purchased it at Costco they let me return it and gave me a cash card. Since I started sewing I've gone through two brothers and two singers. No more of those brands! I will say my vintage 60's Singer works fine. My singer serger works fine.
I'm looking at Janomes now. Please, Janome, be a good brand. 

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